Rabbi Mordechai Becher’s VLog – Rabbi Moshe Shapiro ZTzL – Parshat Vayechi 5777

Jacob the Patriarch dies in this week’s Torah reading. Unfortunately, Rabbi Moshe Shapiro, a long-time teacher for Rabbi Mordechai Becher, also died this week. Rabbi Becher gives some insights into the greatness of Rabbi Shapiro so that we can fully understand our loss. View this video directly on Vimeo.



In this week’s Torah reading, Vayechi, Jacob blesses his sons in a very famous, poetic and beautiful section of the Torah.  This got me thinking about what we mean by a “blessing”.  A friend of mine was in an Virginian airport, I think, and he was about to have his coffee and, as he normally…

Rabbi Mordechai Becher’s VLog – Jerusalem Under Siege – Tenth of Tevet 5777

Jews fast on the 10th of Tevet to commemorate the siege on Jerusalem immediately before the destruction of the first Temple. Rabbi Becher explains that this siege exists even today, whether it is the distortions by the media, condemnation by the United Nations, or the claims by Moslems that Jerusalem was never a Jewish city….

The 10th of Tevet

The 10th of Tevet

The Jewish calendar includes six days of fasting.  Four of these days are linked to the destruction of the Temples and the exile of the Jewish people.  These will be the focus of the following chapter.  The other two, the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, and the Fast of Esther, Ta’anit Esther, will be considered…

Ask The Rabbi: 8 Reasons for 8 Days

Ask The Rabbi: 8 Reasons for 8 Days

Question: The Chanuka miracle: A flask with one night’s oil burned for 8 nights. But being that there was oil for one night, the miracle actually lasted only 7 nights. So why is Chanuka 8 nights? AskTheRabbi.org answered: Good question! I’ll give you 8 reasons. They divided one night’s oil into eight portions. Miraculously, each…



Chanukah is a celebration of the miracle of Jewish spiritual survival.  After millennia of attempts to assimilate us, whether through force or persuasion, we are still here.   But, it is not mere physical survival that we celebrate.  After all, the genes of the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians and Greeks have also physically survived.  The miracle…