Vacation without the hassle – or major travel!
Whether you want to chap a quick trip while the kids are off from Yeshiva, or your grandkids are begging to come visit for Shabbos Chanukah, let us take the stress out of hosting and traveling.
We’ve got everything covered from fully catered gourmet meals to entertainment for the whole family. We create a magical Chanukah experience everyone will love.
Feel right at home with your family at Gateways.
Motza’ei Shabbos Entertainment!
Motzei Shabbos performance by Simcha Leiner
Entertainment by Top-Rated Magician, Mentalist and Juggler, Nussi Friedman of The Nussi Show
Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer
Rav Yitzchok Fingerer is the Rov of a Beis Medrash in Flatbush and is Morah D’Asra of BJX (Brooklyn Jewish Xperience), which runs Kiruv programs for unaffiliated young Jews in public high school and college as well as for young adults from Frum homes who need Chizuk. He is is a dynamic speaker and a sought out expert on chinuch, parenting, and the interface between Halacha & Hashkafah. He is the author of several best selling books, including: Strengthen Your Emunah: Cultivating a Meaningful Relationship with Hashem (Feldheim) and Search Judaism: Judaism’s Answers to a Changing World (Targum). He was the Rabbi at Aish HaTorah in Manhattan. Rabbi Fingerer received his smicha from Rav Avrohom Pam Zt”l at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas. Thousands of people watch his videos on TorahAnytime, Meaningful Minute, Daily Dose and Vayimaen.
Rabbi Bensoussan’s Torah Classes can be found on, The Two Cents Podcast on MeaningfulMinute, Daily Mussar on or Live in Person at his many Chazak weekly shiurim.

Rabbi Chanan Gordon
Rabbi Dovid Greenblatt

Mrs. Debbie Greenblatt
Mrs. Slovie Jungreis Wolff
Mrs. Slovie Jungreis Wolff is a noted teacher, author, relationships and parenting lecturer. She is the leader of Hineni Couples and daughter of Rebbetzen Esther Jungreis. Slovie is the author of the parenting handbook, Raising A Child With Soul. She gives weekly classes and has lectured throughout the U.S.,Canada, Mexico, Panama, and South a noted teacher, author, relationships and parenting lecturer. She is the leader of Hineni Couples and daughter of Rebbetzen Esther Jungreis. Slovie is the author of the parenting handbook, Raising A Child With Soul. She gives weekly classes and has lectured throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Panama, and South Africa.

Rabbi Yisroel Majeski
In an inspiring effort to increase Torah learning in the Los Angeles Valley, Rabbi Majeski started the Valley Night Kollel (where he currently serves as Rosh Kollel), which boasts an open Beis Medresh with nightly chaverusas and shiurim. In March of 2017, Rabbi Majeski became the Rabbi of Kehilas Lev Simcha.
As a spirited and passionate lecturer, Rabbi Majeski has the unique ability to capture the essence of each matter he discusses. His weekday and Shabbos shiurim are highly regarded in the Los Angeles community.
Rabbi Mordechai Suchard
Rabbi Mordechai Suchard is the son of a prestigious Rav and former Dayan on the Johannesburg Beis Din, Rabbi Suchard is the Founder and Director of Gateways. He studied in Telz, Cleveland and Ponevezh, Bnei Brak. For the past 24 years, he has devoted his time to building Gateways into a premier education powerhouse that engages collegiates, young adults, families, singles and Russian immigrants in the United States and abroad to nurture and sustain Jewish identity, strengthen their connection to Israel and make informed decisions about their Jewish future.

Extraordinary Elegant Dining with the Weiss Brothers
24-hour Tea Room offering snacks, fruit, and chocolate
Signature Youth Program
Run by Rabbi Avi Frank and Mrs. Tziri Frank, our programs deliver a fun, educational, and stimulating experience for young adults and children of all ages.

Rabbi Avi Frank is a master mechanech at the Yeshiva of Spring Valley in Monsey NY. He also serves as the elementary school Principal. He has been a Camp Director for over twenty years.
In his rare spare time he directs Pirchei and hosts Shabbatons for youth groups. Rabbi Frank has found his perfect niche as Director of the Gateways Children’s Program.

Mrs. Frank is the director of Mishmeres, a high school program for the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, and has a distinguished career inspiring and educating children of all ages. She is best known for her role in TIC Talk, the Chizuk hotline for high school girls; “Frankly Speaking,” a well-known humor column; and “Night of the Stars,” starring the Day Hab participants of Chesed 24/7. As the Gateways Babysitting Coordinator, Mrs. Frank ensures all young children are well cared for.
View the Photograph Galleries from Past Retreats
Open All The Time
Each day of the program
Lavish Kiddushim
Gourmet Meals
Shiurim b’Iyun
Q&A Sessions
With Guest Speakers
Available Every Night
Led by Master Storyteller & Mechanech Rabbi Avi Frank
Father-Son Learning in the Beis Medrash
Simcha Leiner on Motza’ei Shabbos!

Aaron Leshinsky
Originally from Lakewood, Aaron Leshinksy lived in Israel in the early years of his marriage where he successfully made many shidduchim. Aaron now lives in Lakewood with his wife and kids, where he has established himself as a leading, sought after shadchan. He is a caring personable shadchan with countless successful shidduchim to date. We are delighted to have him as part of the Gateways Connections Team.
Fayge Rudman

Hilton Stamford Hotel & Executive Meeting Center
1 First Stamford Place, 06902, CT
For more information and reservations, please contact us using the contact form or:
- 1-845-352-0393 ext. 110