Harav Nissan Kaplan


Rav Kaplan is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Daas Aharon, and is Mara D’asra of a Kehila in Givat Hamivtar, Ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem. He was one of the Rashei Yeshiva at the Mir in Jerusalem, where he taught English-speaking students in The Walmark building. One of his standout qualities is that he remains highly accessible to his talmidim or anyone else who wants to speak with him. Harav Kaplan is a marbitz Torah revered worldwide, often giving shiurim and divrei chizuk to thousands. He meets often with Gedolei Yisrael on a host of topics.

Rabbi Yizchok Adler

Rabbi Yitzchok Adler is presently the Rosh Kollel of Kollel Zichron Yaakov in Monsey, NY and the Rav of Kehillas Zichron Yaakov. He received semicha, Yoreh Yoreh and Yadin Yadin from Rabbi Moshe Feinstein zt”l. He has been a rebbe for over 35 years with a special interest in Lomdus, substructural Talmudic analysis. Rabbi Adler has published numerous seforim among which is Iyun BeLomdus. He is often a guest lecturer and has a tape series entitled “Perspectives on Halacha and Hashkafa.” Rabbi Adler earned his PH.D. in Philosophy from New York University in 1975.

Rabbi Gavriel Friedman


Originally from New York, Rabbi Friedman has spent the last 15 years studying and teaching throughout Jerusalem. He is currently teaching at Aish HaTorah Jerusalem, and is a featured speaker for the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Program. He has lectured across the U.S. and the world, including South Africa, Europe, Canada, Costa Rica, Panama and Mexico. Rabbi Friedman inspires men, women, and children across the Jewish spectrum, presenting Torah concepts in an intriguing yet entertaining fashion. Rabbi Friedman currently resides in Yerushalayim with his wife and children.

Rabbi Gavriel Friedman

Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg

Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg was the founding Rov of the Ohr Moshe Torah Institute in Hillcrest Queens & is currently the Rov of the Chofetz Chaim Torah Center in Cedarhurst. He is a published author of several seforim on Halacha & is  a popular speaker  representing Torah Hashkafa in a variety  of venues around the world. He is also a regular columnist in several weekly newspapers, magazines & journals where he writes  the Torah viewpoint on contemporary issues.

Rabbi Yonason Shippel

Rabbi Yonasan Shippel is a graduate of Columbia University and Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore. Rabbi Shippel founded a vibrant congregation, learning center and day school in Cape Town, South Africa. A Gateways senior lecturer for the past thirteen years, he has spoken in communities throughout the world, sharing his excitement for Torah with both beginner and advanced students. Rabbi Shippel is the Director of the James Striar School for Undergraduate Jewish Studies at Yeshiva University. In 2010 Rabbi Shippel founded The Beis, A dynamic learning center, congregation and community on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
Rabbi Mordechai Suchard

Rabbi Mordechai Suchard

Rabbi Mordechai Suchard is the son of a prestigious Rav and former Dayan on the Johannesburg Beis Din, Rabbi Suchard is the Founder and Director of Gateways. He studied in Telz, Cleveland and Ponevezh, Bnei Brak. For the past 24 years, he has devoted his time to building Gateways into a premier education powerhouse that engages collegiates, young adults, families, singles and Russian immigrants in the United States and abroad to nurture and sustain Jewish identity, strengthen their connection to Israel and make informed decisions about their Jewish future.

Special Kosher Supervision

Special packages include Yom Kippur, Shabbos and ALL Yom Tov Meals!


Open All The Time


Each day of the program


Lavish Kiddushim


Gourmet Meals


Shiurim b’Iyun

Q&A Sessions

With Guest Speakers


Available Every Night


Overlooking the Old City


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