The Honor of the Dead

The Honor of the Dead

The Jewish community and the entire world recently lost living Torahs, Rav Dovid Feinstein and Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. This week’s Torah reading Chayei Sarah discusses the first ever Jewish burial and Avaraham’s care for his deceased wife, Sarah.  I believe that it is appropriate to discuss the mitzvah of burial and respect for the…

Rabbi Mordechai Becher’s VLog – We Have Lost Two Giants – Chayei Sarah 5781

The Jewish world – no, the ENTIRE world – has lost two great individuals this week: Rabbi Dovid Feinstein and Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sachs. Rabbi Becher speaks of the greatness of both men so that we can properly understand our loss. View this video directly on VIMEO

Expensive Real Estate Indeed – Hebron and the Cave of Machpelah

Expensive Real Estate Indeed – Hebron and the Cave of Machpelah

One of the earliest recorded purchases of land was Abraham’s purchase of the Machpelah cave and field in Hebron for the burial of his wife, Sarah.  The Torah provides us with the details of his protracted negotiations with the Hittites, Abraham’s insistence on paying “full price,” and his concern that the elders of the Hittites…

Rabbi Mordechai Becher’s VLog – Tragedy, Yes. Kristallnacht, No! – Chayei Sarah 5779

On October 27, 2018, a deranged man entered a synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA, and murdered 11 innocent Jews. Rabbi Mordechai Becher noticed that many people have been comparing this tragedy to the infamous “Kritallnacht” which occurred in Germany 9–10 November 1938, however, he takes exception to this comparison and explains why in this video. View this…