Sukkos Questionnaire 2016

  • Which trips are you interested in taking?

  • Day trip to Ein Gedi / Nachal Arugot / Massada / Dead Sea # of ppl Price 20-29 $100 30-39 $76 40-50 $64
  • Day trip to Ein Gedi / Nachal Arugot / Massada / Dead Sea # of ppl Price 20-29 $100 30-39 $76 40-50 $64
  • Day trip to Chevron, Meaarat Hamachpela, Gush Etzion, Kever Rachel # of ppl Price 20-29 $124 30-39 $98 40-50 $86
  • Day trip to Ein Prat – Jeep riding at Knaan Tours. Hike Ein Pashcha – Einot Tzukim. Or Nachal Og # of ppl Price 20-29 $135 30-39 $109 40-50 $96
  • Day trip to Nachalat Binyamin Visitor Center, Nachal Shilo, Tour of Ancient Shilo # of ppl Price 20-29 $88 30-39 $65 40-50 $53
  • Arba Minim

  • We are pleased to offer the service of obtaining the Arba Minim for you. Make your orders ASAP.

    Esrogim: Chazon Ish (from the prominent pardeisim) or Bedatz‎. All have hechsher of Rav Karelitz too. Note that Chazon Ish esrogim don't have as nice a 'gidul' as ‎the others. Please note your preference.

    Lulavim and Hadasim: Hechsher of Rav Moshe Bransdorfer.

    All sets will be pre-checked by a Rov.

  • Price: $240.00
  • Price: $180.00
  • Price: $120.00
  • Price: $45.00
  • $0.00