Harry’s Video Blog – The Unsafe Lane Change – Parshat Bamidbar 5784
We have to always be aware of our surroundings.
We have to always be aware of our surroundings.
Don’t live in the past. View this video directly on Vimeo
The first time that I stayed up learning all night on Shavuos was when I was…
Rabbi Becher wants to know not only where is Mount Sinai, but should we care where…
Your relationship with G-d is unique and this uniqueness is required by The Creation. View this…
During this period of social distancing, I was scrolling through pictures saved on my computer. I…
Rabbi Mordechai Becher looks at the reasons as to why the Torah was given in the…
Abraham’s relationship with God was rooted in a covenant, an agreement between two parties, each having…
The Omer is counted for the final time on the 49th night. The following evening, the…
Rabbi Mordchai Becher wonder what did the Jews do in the desert for 40 years?. View…