The Mitzvah to Give

The Mitzvah to Give

The Biblical sources related to the commandment of tzedakah (charity) are found in this week’s Parsha, BeHar, in the section discussing the laws of the Sabbatical Year. The Torah states that any personal loans still outstanding at the end of this year are automatically cancelled. Nevertheless, God orders the people not to withhold loans close…

Rabbi Mordechai Becher’s VLog on Parshat Behar/Bechukotai 5773

The Thinnest Connection Rabbi Mordechai Becher speaks about how G-d’s covenant with the Jewish people needs some connection from the Jewish people to G-d. However, the thread of connection can be very thin indeed and G-d will still remember us. View this video directly on VIMEO You can sponsor Rabbi Becher’s VLog this week or…