God Bless America

God Bless America

Abraham’s relationship with God was rooted in a covenant, an agreement between two parties, each having obligations toward the other.  Abraham and his descendants were obligated to practice circumcision, kindness and justice and to have faith in God.  God in turn promised that Abraham’s descendants would maintain a special relationship with Him.  They would be…

Rabbi Mordechai Becher’s VLog – Post Holy Days – Parshas Noach 5780

There were many wonderful days spent with the community during the Holy Days. But we learn from the “Tower of Babel” that G-d also wants each person to express their own unique individuality.Rabbi Becher feels that the start of winter is a great time to focus on our unique characteristics. View this video directly on…

Shabbat of Peace

Shabbat of Peace

I did a lot of traveling over summer – I was in Canada, South Africa, South Korea and Japan.  It was incredibly helpful and convenient to my phone with me.  I was able to be in contact with the other people in the group with whom I was traveling; I was able to be in…

Fall and Winter

Fall and Winter

I am here in New Jersey, getting colder and being more windblown as fall is in full fling and winter approaches. Winter gets very bad press in general. You know, people talk about someone reaching the winter of his days, in other words, he is shriveling up and dying. Winter is the opposite of summer,…