Harry’s Video Blog – Stairway to Heaven – Parshat Vayeitzei 5779

When we climb an incredibly tall ladder, we must climb it one rung at a time. If we look down or up, we might get frightened and discouraged. Harry Rothenberg suggests we take this lesson into life, and also work on improving ourselves during any spare moment we have, just a little bit each time….

Visions of G-d?

Visions of G-d?

In this week’s parsha, VaYetzei, Jacob has a vision of a ladder connecting heaven and earth, on which angels ascend and descend.  At the top of the ladder, in his dream, he “sees” G-d standing over him.  Now, there are many, many prophetic visions in the Torah, and many expressions that seem to assign some…



I have been saying Kaddish, (a prayer that is said by mourners), for my mother OB”M who passed away about six months ago.  Kaddish  was instituted almost 2,000 years ago and is mentioned in numerous places in the Mishnah and Talmud.  Kaddish is written in Aramaic, the spoken language of the Jews in Israel and…