Dire Straits

We just observed the fast of the Seventeenth of Tamuz, which occurs exactly three weeks before Tishah B’Av and we are now in the middle of the period of mourning known as “The Three Weeks.”  The Mishnah states:  Five things happened to our ancestors on the Seventeenth of Tamuz:  The First Tablets were broken, the…

Where do Savvy New Yorkers Go?

Where do Savvy New Yorkers Go?

The Brownstone is gaining traction as the go-to address for savvy young Jewish adults.  Its unique space encourages networking, learning, schmoozing and noshing as witnessed by a host of recent events.  Each day, the building buzzes with an energy and excitement felt from the ground floor kitchen and dining spaces all the way to the…

Torah on One Foot

I would like to try to explain a very strange statement in the Talmud. A Roman approached the great sage Shammai and said that he would like to convert to Judaism on condition that he is taught the entire Torah while standing on one foot. Shammai promptly ejected the Roman from his house, and frankly,…