Will They Look Down on Me?

Will They Look Down on Me?

Question: I’m at an early stage of considering becoming observant in Jewish lifestyle and practices, but something is on my mind that I think holds me back. If I go ahead and follow Jewish Orthodoxy, will I be looked down upon as a “second class citizen” by others who were born observant? Maybe this shouldn’t…

Dancing in the Streets

Dancing in the Streets

Question: Why is the holiday of Simchat Torah so happy? AskTheRabbi.org answered: The reading of the Torah is both completed and begun again on Shemini Atzeret (in Israel on the eighth day, and in the Diaspora on the ninth day). This occasion is known as Simchat Torah, the “Joy of the Torah.” Jewish sources trace…

A “Five-Star” Succah

A “Five-Star” Succah

Question: Should dwelling in a Succah booth be a comfortable experience or a rough and tumble “camping out” experience? AskTheRabbi.org answered: A little bit of both. It certainly needs to be comfortable and homey enough that we feel good about being there. This is because Jewish law requires that a person not be uncomfortable due…

Food for Thought

Food for Thought

Question: What is the purpose of fasting on Yom Kippur? AskTheRabbi.org answered: Fasting is a way of ignoring our physical needs and focusing entirely on our spiritual side. This is in marked contrast to how we often act during the rest of the year, when we tend to our physical needs, often neglecting (and sometimes…

Rosh Hashana Resolutions

Rosh Hashana Resolutions

Question: Does Rosh Hashana share any similarities with the Jan. 1st New Year’s Day holiday? Is it a time for making “New Year’s Resolutions”? AskTheRabbi.org answered: While the form of the celebrations may be very different, I can think of two ways in which these days are similar. One similarity is that it is the…