Rabbi Mordechai Becher’s VLog on Parshat Ki Tisa 5773

Rabbi Mordechai Becher speaks about Divine Mercy – G-d’s 13 attributes of mercy are mentioned in the Parsha as instructions to us, not just as a prayer or for theological studies. You can sponsor Rabbi Becher’s VLog this week or any week. Contact Gateways for details. View this video directly on VIMEO

Rabbi Mordechai Becher’s VLog on Parshat Terumah 5773

Rabbi Mordechai Becher speaks about Precision Measurements – The significance of the dimensions of the Tabernacle. This week’s VLog is sponsored In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai Suchard for the upcoming bar mitzvah of their son, Shlomo. Mazeltov.  Drs. Moish and Robyn LovingerContact Gateways to sponsor an upcoming edition of Rabbi Becher’s VLog.

Happiness, Not Comfort – Parshat Terumah 5773

“When Adar arrives we increase our happiness.” (Talmud, Ta’anit 29a) We have just entered the month of Adar beginning a season of joy and celebration that includes Purim and Pesach. I think it is pertinent to discuss how to actually achieve happiness. There is a verse in Psalms (105:3) which states,  “Happy is the heart…