Where is Moshe?

Where is Moshe?

The parshiyos that we are currently reading feature Moshe prominently in the story of the Exodus, the Red Sea and the time in the desert. It is fascinating to note, however,  that if you look through the Haggadah Moshe is just not there, he is not mentioned. He is mentioned in one place as an…

Rabbi Mordechai Becher’s VLog – You Belong in the Museum – Beshalach 5781

Rabbi Becher is about to embark on a tour of the Metropolitan Museum of New York, and while he will guide his students through the exhibits on the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, the gallery on the Jews will be conspicuously absent from the tour. Find out why! View this video directly on VIMEO

Agricultural Ethics

Agricultural Ethics

Agricultural Ethics (Excerpt from Mordechai Becher’s book, Gateway to Judaism) Since the 15th of the month of Shevat is approaching, TuBishvat, the New Year of Trees, it is appropriate to discuss the laws pertaining to the Land of Israel.  Israel’s agricultural products are considered holy, therefore there are special laws that apply to them.  The…